Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Rockin' Robin" (Bobby Day)

Welcome to Tuesday!!! Just another day?  I don't think so, it can't be, there is just no way!  Tuesday's the best, hands down, don't you know?  Tuesday's not Monday, Monday's go slow.  Today is the day with potential all new!  The outlook is hopeful, depending on you.  Will you embrace all the joy He has waiting for you?  

Welcome to Tuesday!!! No, not another day!  There's music and musing well on its way.  It is time, yes it is, for something quite new.  The melody is simple, the lyrics not new.  T'was "tweeting" before Twitter was neat.  Grab your phone or your tablet and then have a seat.  So sit back and relax, you're in a safe place, a robin will sing for you right in this place. Welcome to Tuesday!!!  It's the best don't you know?  It's time, yes it's time for the start of the show...

and this is just too fun

"Rockin' Robin" hit #2...twice!  Both recordings by the above stars soared up the charts and peaked at #2.  Bobby Day's 1958 version was his highest rated single.  The 1972 version by Michael Jackson came from his debut solo album, Got to be There.  Both songs are so much fun and have become favorites by all ages.  My children fondly remember dancing, well what we called dancing (YIKES!), in the garage to the tune of the robin goin' tweet, tweet, tweet!  

Bobby Day is best remembered for 3 classic songs.  While Day recorded each of these songs as a solo act or with his bands The Satellites and the Hollywood Flames, today's feature solo recording was his first and only top ten hit.  The Dave Clark Five recorded "Over and Over" in 1965.  "Little Bitty Pretty One" was recorded 3 times. (Thurston Harris, 1957, Clyde McPhatter, 1962, and The Jackson Five, 1972)

Bobby Day was no relation to Doris Day who at 97 passed away yesterday.  Tuesday's Musical Notes must recant something we said about Ms. Day.  In the Musical Note from April 26, 2016 ( Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Let's Go Crazy") we made the statement that we would be surprised if the media would cover Ms. Day's passing as much as they did Prince's.  So far, this iconic recording and acting superstar is being respectfully treated by the media and it seems the coverage will continue for several days.  We regret intimating otherwise.    Que Sera Sera    And now back to the countdown...

Robins, rockin' and otherwise, came into existence on day 5 of the creation.  On this day, God determined to fill the oceans and skies with their respective creatures, declare that those creations were good, and then end the day.

With each day of creation, we see the building blocks toward God's greatest "good" thing being given life.  Day 1 provided light in the midst of darkness.  Day 2 provided a separation of waters defining a position for the heavens and earth. The light from day 1 gave the chemical balances necessary for this separation to be permanent.   

On day 3 God spoke, and the earth formed into a different but recognizable form of what we know today as our planet.  God spoke and vegetation of all sorts began sprouting and growing and flourishing as photosynthesis first took place because of the combination of light (day 1) and soil (day 2) necessary for plant growth.  Day 4's seasonal creation allowed for variety as specific plants would grow during a specific season.  Do you see the trend?  The combination of Day 3's plant life and day 4's solar and lunar nuances provided food for Day 5's sea and air life to exist.  And at each step, God proclaimed it all "good".  Genesis 1:20-23 New American Standard Bible/The Message paraphrase of the Bible/King James Version of the Bible parallel

God is not a god of random chaos.  There is a specific roadmap for things to be in balance.  That includes our lives.  We need only read the process by which everything we know came into existence to see and understand that fact.  Far too many times, in our rebellion, we tend to place ourselves as more of a part in the process of the balancing act.  

We heard that our planet was going to have a global ice age proclaimed scientists of the 70s.  We haven't even had good snow in many years here.  We now hear of how the oceans are going to rise and wipe out California and England if we don't step in and stem the tide of global warming.  

Our point for today.  For believers, we have a responsibility to be good stewards of the created resources recorded in Genesis.  However, this does not allow us to place ourselves in God's place and think we have any control over the delicate balances that He put into place.  If we believe God is who He says He is, we need not worry about freezing to death nor drowning due to our planet overheating.  

Our point for today.  For those who do not hold the Bible as the true account of our world's history, please do not get sucked into the pervasive lie that we can control the climate or anything else that concerns this planet.  There is only 1 Creator.  There is only 1 who has control of everything that provides eco-balance.  We do need to recycle, we do need to find alternative energy forms, and we do need to find solutions for things that are detrimental to our environment.  Yet our motivation for those things should be as responsible end users of the product that God has placed into His cycle of eco-balance.  

Our point for today.  We have a responsibility to God to ensure we utilize His resources to the best of our ability.  We do not, however, have the ability to control or adjust the parameters on our planet's ecosystem.  To do that places us on the same level as God.  Not sure that worked out so well for Adam and Eve...

Allow this truth to wash over you.  Allow Holy Spirit to teach you and draw you to Himself.  Allow the words of the Bible to ring true in your life today.  "Every little swallow, every chick-a-dee, every little bird in the big oak tree, the wise old owl, the big black crow, flappin' their wings sayin' go bird go!"   The creatures of day 5 are encouraging you...Go to Him today!!!

'Til Tuesday,

Serving HIM by serving You,

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