Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Big Bang Theory Theme" (Barenaked Ladies)

SO...You knew it had to be coming soon...

Welcome to the most exciting blog in 14 billion years!  It's Tuesday's Musical Notes coming to you from the wide expanse of the universe!  It's that time where explore strange new worlds...no wait, sorry wrong show.  It's that time where we explore a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight...no that's wrong too!  It's that time where we regale you with the story all about how our life got flipped, turned upside down!  STOP!  This is really getting ridiculous!  It's that time where...oh just roll the video, you know what's coming...

Did you know there was a full-length version of this song?

The Big Bang Theory launched on September 24, 2007.  It ended after 279 episodes and 12 seasons last Thursday to a throng of viewers as they watched Penny and Leonard, Howard and Bernadette, Sheldon and Amy, and Raj come to the conclusion of their television stories. I confess that I did not watch every episode and only began my periodic viewership when the show hit syndication.  

The show won awards as it detailed the lives of 6 scientists and 1 hippy chic in a humorous fashion.  It spawned a spin-off television show, Young Sheldon, which shows the history of The Big Bang Theory's resident theoretical physicist.  Beloved by many for celebrating the "nerd" in each of us and filled with iconic science fiction and comic book references, The Big Bang Theory remained rated at the top of comedies as well as all shows for the majority of its run.  

Recording the theme song for the show was the band Barenaked Ladies.  The Canadian Indie band formed in 1988 and since that time has had 4 top ten albums and 2 top 40 singles in the US.  They hit #1 with the song ""One Week" released on September 22, 1998 by Barenaked Ladies from the album Stunt".  But they will always be best known for the 24-second opener that purports the "History of Everything".

The scientists that populate the world of The Big Bang Theory would be quick to submit Darwin's Theory of Evolution as factual.  Would it surprise you to hear that Tuesday's Musical Notes is also proponent of evolution?  

We'll explain that bombshell soon.  Since we now have your attention, let's dive into the real history of all things.   

I think it is really important at this point for us to remember that the 1st book of the Bible serves as on overview of the creation story.  We find in today's passage a summary of the events of day 6.  But there are some specific things we would like to hightlight.

"Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image..." - Genesis 1:26a

There are a couple of phrases in this opening statement of verse 26 we need to unpack.  First of all, who are the "Us" (note the capitalization) in which Moses refers?  Bible scholars tend to agree that this refers to the Trinity of God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy Spirit.  For those whose world view is founded on the Bible as the truth of all truths, this is not a difficult concept to believe.  However, One wonders if Moses questioned who the "Us" were in his own mind as he penned the events of Genesis.  

Secondly, how can we define the phrase "Our image"?  This begs the question of what is the "image" of God?  We are given the definition of the "image" of God, by God Himself.  Jesus (God, the Son) proclaims:  

" God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."  The Gospel of Jesus according to the disciple John, chapter 4, verse 24 New American Standard Bible  

This declaration indicates that our physical attributes are not what is being referred to in Genesis.  This means, upon our creation, with men and women as God's conduits for the creative process, we are an eternal spirit.  We will continue to exist for eternity future in a manner that is difficult for us to understand.  So, we except that and the fact that God is spirit by faith.

"The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It’s our handle on what we can’t see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd."  Hebrews 11:1 - The Message paraphrase of the Bible 

When God created mankind, He set them (Adam and Eve) above all of the other things He created because He created mankind with an eternal spirit that was meant to have a relationship with God forever.  

We've told you in previous Notes about our belief that racism is a tool of the enemy to divide mankind.  Here in the creation record we see that mankind started from Adam and Eve.  That means we are all one race, the human race.  Everything else are cultural differences.

We also mentioned above that we believe in Evolution.  In some ways Darwin's observations are correct.  Things do change over time.  I see change every morning when I look at the 55 year old who is standing were the 26 year old used to be.  That is a form of evolution.  

You see, man's disobedience caused the expulsion from the perfection of the Garden of Eden.  This introduction of sin caused a chain reaction of many other malformations, including the decay of everything.  The death of everything physical was the result of this decay. 

But as we mentioned before, mankind was made in God's image, therefore a spirit which will last for eternity.  This spirit is what must evolve into being more closely aligned with God every day.  Evolution into being like Jesus is a good thing and one that Paul suggests that we strive for:  Paul's Letter to the church in Rome, chapter 8 NASB/The Message/KJVPaul's letter to the Phillipian church, chapter 1, verse 6 NASB/The Message/KJV

So, we don't have to wait 14 million years to evolve into being like Jesus.  We can be more like Him at the close of the day today.  First of all we must believe that Jesus was who He said He was, the Son of God.  Then we must believe He did what the Bible said He did, came in the form of man to be THE sacrifice once and for all time for anyone who would believe and accept His sacrifice as THE replacement for their sin and the restoration of THE relationship with God.  Finally, we must believe these things enough to want to be more like Him and tell the world about Him.  Ultimately, these things are encapsulated in what Jesus said was the greatest commandment.  In short, "Love God, Love everyone else."  We evolve into Christlikeness when we are able to accomplish this daily.  Love God more, love everyone else more.  This is the truest form of evolution.  Everything else, well...it's just a big bang!!!   

'Til Tuesday,

Serving HIM by serving You,


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