Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Road Less Traveled" (Lauren Alaina)

Hey there it's Tuesday!!! And it is the first Tuesday of the great month of November! Some places are already seeing some wintery weather move in but here in Arkansas, November means layering our clothing choices as the start of the day requires a jacket. We move to usually a long-sleeved something or other for the morning, and by mid-afternoon we are back to short-sleeves and the A/C!  Please understand this isn't a complaint.  We choose to live here and are happy with the seasonal adjustments we must make.  Plus, usually by November the grass no longer needs cutting, so it's a good trade-off.  Except the time changes now in November...(insert your time-change rant  here...)

November also brings with it a flurry of reflection.  As Thanksgiving approaches, many folks are reminded of those things and people for which they are grateful.  They express their gratitude for their lives and the people who populate that life.  We are grateful that you allow us each week to be a 5-10 minute part of your busy life and we don't take for granted the opportunity we have to entertain, inform, and maybe even sometimes learn with you.  Thank you so much!  You truly are counted among our gratefulness gifts,  not only in November but all year long as we travel along, singin' a song, side by side, down the road less traveled...

Today's 2016 hit by 2011 American Idol runner-up, Lauren Alaina, appeared on both her eponymous second EP and served as the title track to her second full-length recording.  It was co-written by Alaina, Jesse Frasure (aka DJ Telemitry), and Meghan Trainor ("Better When I'm Dancin'").  While peaking at only #67 on the Hot 100, "Road Less Traveled" went all the way to the #1 spot on the Billboard's Country Airplay Chart.   

The song proved so popular that Lauren Alaina and her team partnered with MarVista Entertainment and SaigeBelle Films to produce a movie under the same title.  The movie featured its title song heavily and was a platform to infuse other of Alaina's songs.  Starring Lauren Alaina and  Charlene Tilton (TV's Dallas), the 2017 movie is available to stream on your favorite platforms. Trailer - Road Less Traveled

If the title of the song seems familiar the collaboration of writers chose the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost as inspiration for the title and the theme of the song.  Musically, the song is familiar in that it is reminiscent of the band Berlin's "Take My Breath Away" in some of its chord structure.  Written at a time of intense personal struggles for Alaina and reflection on struggles for Trainor, the song, with its uptempo beat and positive messaging, is an empowerment song that encourages anyone who is having a rough time in their life to be encouraged and embrace the journey down that road less traveled.  

Last week we saw the Apostle Paul expressing great gratitude for the work of the church in Thessalonica.  He had received reports from Timothy that the church was thriving in its mission to tell the community about Jesus, even in the face of some pretty fierce pushback.  Paul was encouraged by their faithfulness to the Gospel and how they faced their trials and tribulations with the faith given to them by the Holy Spirit.

This week, we read Paul's testimony of his journey down the road less traveled.  He details to the Thessalonian church his travails with persecution from the people of Phillipi and attempts to use his perseverance through that time to encourage the Thessalonians.  Paul speaks of the approval that he received from God to be with the Thessalonians and the good reception he received while being there.  As he recaps his time with them, Paul feels a parental relationship towards the Thessalonian church because they accepted the message of Jesus and Paul himself.  He recounts how he worked tirelessly to ensure that they had everything they needed to succeed as the church.  And like a proud parent, Paul praises God for what he has heard about the church and how they navigated the road less traveled in their community.  He continues to expound on how the church had emulated the churches in Judea who saw persecution from the Jews as part and parcel to their existence as a church of Jesus.  

Paul ends this portion of his first letter by exuberantly proclaiming his desire to see them face to face and celebrate them.  The NASB puts it this way: "...For we wanted to come to you—I, Paul, more than once—and Satan hindered us. For who is our hope, or joy or crown of pride, in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming? Or is it not indeed you? For you are our glory and joy."  Wow!  Those are some pretty hefty accolades coming from Paul!  

So what about you friend?  If Paul were to write you a letter today, how would it go?  Would it be one of the great encouragement that he has in you and your maturing to be more like Jesus?  Would he be able to speak about you in paternal overtones of love and pride?  Would he congratulate you on your acceptance of the Gospel of Jesus and your ability to advance God's Kingdom?   

More importantly, how does Jesus see you?  Do you choose the road less traveled or do you find yourself on a congested, well-worn pathway that many find to be easy to navigate?  It seems like Jesus told us some important aspects about pathways and which ones we should choose...

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is narrow and the way is constricted that leads to life, and there are few who find it." - Matthew 8:13-14 NASB/AMP/ESV/KJV

"...Don't be afraid, take the road less traveled on..."

'Til Tuesday,

Loving HIM by Loving You,


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