Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Take Me To The River" (Talking Heads)

There are times in everyone's life when we feel submersed in something.  That something can be something we choose and enjoy, like say...a music collection, or it could be something that we do not enjoy that comes as a consequence of the decisions we have made.  

The times that aren't as enjoyable can make us feel like the bait in a shark week featurette.  The struggle to get to the surface can be suffocating as we anticipate never having our heads above water.  Our best efforts to feel the sun on our faces exhaust us physically.  Frustration exerts its power as the mental toll begins to take effect on our psyche, inflicting damage from which it will be difficult to recover.  
Hopefully over the spans of our entire lives balance is provided in those moments when we enjoy being underwater as we never doubt that air will soon return to our lungs and that our immersion serves as a purification from the day's labors or stresses.  There is a confidence that as we return to the surface a purpose has been served by our dallying beneath the surface.  A sense of renewed focus comes from the momentary deprivation of air, and priorities are re-established in the basic foundations of what we need to survive and how the stresses are minor in comparison to those needs.  It may very well be that at these times of our lives we find ourselves begging...drop me in the water!!!

Peaking at #26 is the cover of the Al Green (Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" (Jackie DeShannon/Annie Lenox and Al Green)) classic by Talking Heads (Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Burning Down The House" (Talking Heads)Tuesday's Musical Notes -"Once In A Lifetime" (Talking Heads))  The song was recorded and co-produced by the band and Brian Eno in Nassau, Bahamas.  

Interesting to note is that Talking Heads' version of "Take Me To The River" was not the only cover that was available of the song during the 76-78 time period.  Foghat had a version on their 1976 album Night Shift.  Bryan Ferry released his cover on the 1978 record The Bride Stripped Bare.  And Levon Helm of The Band (Tuesday's Musical Notes - "The Weight" (The Band)) recorded his variant on his solo, self-titled collection, also released in 1978.  

While each of these bands contributed to the overall revenues received by Al Green, it would be Talking Heads' adaptation and release as a single that would be the most successful.   In the liner notes to Once In A Lifetime:  The Best of Talking Heads, lead singer/guitarist/songwriter David Byrne went so far as to say of the song and the fact there were 4 covers,  "More money for Mr. Green's Full Gospel Tabernacle Church I suppose." 

"Take Me To The River" is descriptive of a teenage romance.  Regardless of who's rendition you prefer, it is difficult if not impossible to get away from the illustration of baptism that is used.  The singer seems to be in a combination of those nuances of immersion we discussed earlier.  Because the relationship is complicated, we find the singer struggling to break the surface for air all the while being in the euphoria of being in love and doing whatever it takes to remain in the relationship.  Baptism serves as the metaphor, the example that most folks can understand as the singer explains his enhanced emotions.  Seems like I've read about baptism being used as an example before somewhere...

Today we experience an 18-year jump in the narrative of Jesus' life.  The Gospels do not account for the life of Jesus as He goes from the age of 12 where He was conversing with priests in the temple, to 30 when He presented Himself to John the Baptist.  The baptism of Jesus is considered by most Evangelical Christians as one of 2 ordinances that Jesus used as examples of what He was doing on our account.  The other is The Last Supper... more on that to come.

Today we see the manifestation of Isaiah's prophecy regarding John the Baptist, "The voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord".   Isaiah 40:3 NASB/AMP/KJV/ESV  John the Baptist has been preaching to folks about salvation being through their personal restoration of the covenant with God.  The ultimate expression of that restoration comes to him in the wilderness, just like many folks were at the time, and asks John to baptize Him.

John, the beloved disciple, while not overtly describing the baptism of Jesus, did include the event early in his Gospel. https://The Gospel of Jesus according to the fisherman John, chapter 1, verses 29-34, NASB/AMP/KJV/ESV  As Jesus and His disciples approached, John the Disciple, tells of John the Baptist's proclamation of Jesus, "Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sin of the world".  Jesus was everything John the Baptist had been preaching about and here He was asking John to immerse Him in the waters of the Jordan river.  Click on this link for more about the Jordan River and its importance in the Bible:   "Where Was Jesus Baptized?" by Joel Ryan, November 2, 2020 - crosswalk.com

Remember that John the Baptist and Jesus were cousins.  John would have, at the very least, known Jesus' birth story as his mother Elizabeth shared her home with Jesus' mother Mary early in Mary's pregnancy.  Upon Jesus' approach, John the Baptist immediately recognizes his cousin and the divinity with which He commands.  

The Matthew record of this event describes John the Baptist's hesitancy at first to baptize Jesus as he feels unworthy.  Yet Jesus explains that John the Baptist must be the one to do it in fulfillment of Scripture.  John the Baptist acquiesces and immerses Jesus in the waters of the Jordan.  Upon Jesus' coming up out of the water, those who were witnesses saw the fulfillment of prophecy right before their eyes as 2 miraculous things occur. The Spirit of God descends on Jesus like a dove, and an approving audible voice is heard from heaven, "This is my beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased."  This confirmation from heaven regarding Jesus as Messiah would launch Jesus' ministry and serve to solidify the core group of Jesus' disciples.  

Ok, so Jesus fulfilled prophecy by being dropped in the water.  He was lauded as the Messiah and confirmed by God in His ministry as He was brought up out of that water.  What does Jesus' baptism signify for us today?

Please understand that baptism is an ordinance of Jesus that has many conversations surrounding it.  I highly recommend you do your research about the significance of baptism and allow Holy Spirit to guide you in the interpretation of that research.  I will, however, explain what I have come to believe regarding this sacred example in which Jesus leads.  

Foremost, John called Jesus the One who takes away the sins of the world.  Jesus did everything that needed to be done.  There is no activity that you can do that will save you from the guilt that Adam and Eve perpetrated in the garden.   Your sins are removed at the point where you recognize that Jesus died for the restoration of your relationship with God, you ask for His forgiveness, and you covenant with Him to follow His leadership. 

Your sins are not removed because you have been baptized.  You are baptized as one of the first acts of obedience to Jesus' lordship in your life.  Your baptism serves as an object lesson about what Jesus has already done in your life and it is your testimony to the submission of the control of your life to Jesus.  It is your way of expressing how your life will from now on be conformed to becoming more like Jesus in every aspect.  

Friend, right now Holy Spirit is calling you to a restored relationship with God.  He is imploring you to make a change in the leadership of your life.  If you decide to follow this calling, the Bible says you will be restored, you will be saved.  Holy Spirit then comes to permanently reside in you and mentor you in the process of becoming like Jesus.  

If this is something you have already done, have you taken the next step in telling the whole world whose you are?  Baptism is the Jesus way of making that declaration.  Fully surrendered, fully filled, fully immersed, fully declaring...take me to the river, drop me in the water.  

As always, if I can help you find a church home that can explain this one-on-one with you, or I can answer your questions please let me know.  

'Til Tuesday,

Loving HIM by Loving You,


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