Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "The Light That Has Lighted the World" (George Harrison)

Good Tuesday to you friend!  Welcome to Tuesday's Musical Notes, your weekly excursion into a land of melodic contemplation.  As we journey down the lane of musical introspection, we occasionally discover a new expression from an old friend.  During these times, we find buried deep in the recesses of vinyl grooves a gem that has escaped, until now, the ears of your humble blogger.  Discoveries of this magnitude must be highlighted and honored for their pricelessness.  Today we make such an attempt as we remedy the misfortune of not knowing about this song caused by the distractions of living in the material world...

For many, a musical tragedy occurred on December 31, 1970.  This was the date that Paul McCartney filed a lawsuit seeking the dissolution of The Beatles' contractual partnership.  A musical era came to a close as John, Paul, George, and Ringo attempted to begin a life that existed outside of screaming fans, sold out auditoriums, and Gold records.  Following litigation from all the band members and respective record companies, the partnership would formally be terminated on December 29, 1974, when John Lennon would sign all the documentation needed to complete the breakup.  

The breakup of The Beatles set the foundation for solo careers for the boys from Liverpool.  Each of them, including Ringo, achieved a level of success as solo artists that many performers would only be able to visualize.  Being a "former Beatle" certainly made the way easier for the Fab Four to gain record contracts and have singles played on the radio.

The fame of being a Beatle, however, had its drawbacks.  The Beatle with the most perspective on this was George Harrison.  John Lennon and Paul McCartney were both known as prolific songwriters and had their followers, but both seemed to enjoy the celebrity that came with their craft.   

Harrison (Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Got My Mind Set On You"), however, seemed to want to escape the spotlight, enjoy the fruits of his labors and make good music. He had 3 solo projects before the breakup of The Beatles.  His 1970 All Things Must Pass went all the way to #1 on album charts around the world.  Partnered with his Concert for Bangladesh album, Harrison had firmly established his identity apart from his previous band.    

Harrison's  4th studio album enabled him to express some his disdain of the notoriety that came with being a popular musician.  Living in the Material World would also be Harrison's second #1 solo album on the charts.  The third track on side one of this album, "The Light That Has Lighted the World", afforded Harrison the outlet to express himself about his status in the world.  This song would speak to the rise of superstars and how their new lifestyle changed them.  

Lyrically, the song speaks to the fact that everyone changes.  It doesn't take global exposure for folks to change in ways that others do not approve.  The lyric continues to reflect the freedom that is experienced by the ones who embrace the change in themselves even though those around them don't get it.  You know the kind.  They are the folks who would disapprove of light appearing in a world of darkness...

"Then God said, "Let there be light" and there was light."  Imagine the perspective that Moses had when he inscribed this passage from the beginning of time.  He had seen a time when there was no light for the Egyptians in their land. (remember plague 9?).  This perspective, as well as his personal encounters with God, afforded Moses the awe of God that not many had experienced.  Though the Bible never records it explicitly, I think Moses understood what the darkness was like before God spoke Light into existence because of the plague of darkness.   Moses also would have an intimate knowledge of the source of The Light that has lighted the world.  

Imagine the change to everything once this light was given.  What was once invisible was now visible.  Some have the misconception that this light was the creation of our sun.  But if we read further, the sun, moon, and stars weren't spoken into reality until verse 14.  Did God need to speak light into existence for Him to create?  Of course, not!  Would this mean that according to the Bible, our sun, moon, and stars have much less to do with the stability of our planet than what some scientists would surmise?    "He's got the whole world, in his hands..."

This light that was spoken into existence on day 1 of creation is a foreshadowing of the Light that would illuminate a different kind of darkness, the darkness of the separation between Creator and the created.    The day 1 light would be the precursor of the Light that will never dim nor go out regardless of the attempt of the enemy 2000 years ago. This light that was spoken into existence was done so by The Light that has lighted the world from the time of Genesis. 

The Light has a name.  It is a name above all names.  It is a name to which every knee will bow.  It is a name that every tongue will confess.  It is the Name proclaimed on an early Sunday morning as disciples, male and female, discovered an empty tomb.  It is the Name to call to when you no longer wish to be separated from your Creator.  It is a Name that will guarantee your eternity future in heaven if you repent, believe and tell others about it. But as you proclaim The Name as the Savior of your life, others will be hateful about your happiness and freedom.  George Harrison put this kind of persecution this way:

"I've heard how some people, have said
That I've changed
That I'm not what I was
How it really is a shame
The thoughts in their heads,
Manifest on their brow
Like bad scars from ill feelings
They themselves arouse
So hateful of anyone that is happy
Or 'free'
They live all their lives,
Without looking to see
The light that has lighted the world"

Dear friend, this coming Sunday is Easter, Resurrection Day!!!  It is the celebration of victory over darkness by The Light that has lighted the world.   Have you heard the news?  He is Risen!  He is Risen indeed!!!  And though there are those who spend their lives without looking to see...He is The Light that has lighted the world...

Listen to Holy Spirit as He is leading you to The Light, Jesus, today...

'Til Tuesday,

Serving Him by serving You,

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