Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Something to Talk About" (Bonnie Raitt)


Oh yeah!!!  It's Tuesday!  Time for Tuesday's Musical Notes! Where today, we're going to do what our feature song suggests...

You may not realize it but Singer/Guitarist Bonnie Raitt has been around the music industry since the early 70's.  That's long enough for her to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (2000), win multiple Grammys (Album of the Year for Nick of Time (1990), Best Female Rock Solo Vocalist (1990 & 1992), Best Female Pop Vocalist (Nick of Time (1990), "Something to Talk About" (1992), Best Traditional Blues Recording ("I'm in the Mood" (with John Lee Hooker)(1990)), Best Rock Group Vocal Performance ("Good Man, Good Woman" with Delbert McClinton)(1992), Best Pop Vocal Album ("Longing in Their Hearts")(1995), Best Rock Instrumental Performance ("SRV Shuffle")(a tribute to Stevie Ray Vaughn (1997), and Best Americana Album (Slipstream )(2013)) and see many other accolades celebrating her nearly 4 decades in the industry.  Not too bad for a musician who didn't have a hit in her first 20 years in the industry or her first 9 albums.  It is obvious that she continues to give the professionals in the music industry plenty to talk about.

Luck of the Draw is the biggest selling record for Bonnie Raitt. (over 7 million by 2010) It is her 11th album.  It won and was nominated for the aforementioned Grammy categories and was the follow up to her multi-platinum #1 album Nick of Time.  Luck of the Draw featured 6 singles that went top 40 on various charts, including today's featured song that peaked at #5 on the Billboard Hot 100.  Since 1998 "Something to Talk About" has been covered 14 times by various artists and used in multiple media endeavors.  

"Something to Talk About" relates the story of a couple of folks, who according to their friends, appear to be falling in love. Neither had considered their relationship that serious, but upon further consideration, they determine if their friends are going to talk about them, they may as well do something worthy of the conversation and explore a more serious relationship opportunity.   Just goes to show you that your behavior does get noticed and could possibly become a topic of conversation for those around you.  

Galatians 6:7-10
"Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary."      Jesus' disciple Paul's letter to the Galatian church, chapter 6, verses 1-10 Christian Standard Bible/The Message paraphrase of the Bible/King James Version of the Bible parallel

Colossians 3:17
"Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father."  Paul's letter to the Colossian church, chapter 3, 1-17 CSB/The Message/KJV

James 1:22-25But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was.   Jesus' brother James' letter to Jewish Christians of the First Century, chapter 1, verses 19-27 CSB/The Message/KJV
We interrupt your normally positive blog for the following run down a rabbit trail...in short a rant.  
It sure seems like our nation and world has lost sight of these passages in dramatic fashion over the last few months.  The political anarchy that has been the confirmation process of the newest Supreme Court Justice is something that I don't remember seeing since the protests of the Vietnam War.  People, Democrat, Republican and Independent, who obviously have no knowledge of the process or the person being nominated have espoused a familiarity that does not exist nor could it exist based on the time they have had to understand the process or the person.  But it sure does give people something to talk about...
It is a shame that in our great country, young people and perhaps children have been exposed to the nonsense that was on television over the last month.  What motivation would any of them have for seeking political office or attempting to be a good lawyer who wants to become a judge someday?  
This last month has been endemic of the nature of who we are as a people.  Those who profess Jesus as Lord of their lives have not proven immune to the extremes of both sides.  It just goes to show that even restored and redeemed folks have times where we would much rather take the easy route and listen to gossip or lies than do the hard work of finding out or being faced with the truth.   Our itching ears are showing... (Paul's first letter to Timothy, chapter 4, verses 1-5 CSB/The Message/KJV)  There are times where we would rather believe what a television analyst/commentator says than researching a topic for ourselves.  
Dear Christian friend, there is always someone who pays attention to your actions, words and probably your web activity.  Why not give them something good and exceptional to talk about?  How about LOVE?  More specifically, how about Jesus' LOVE?  How could we as believers make an impact on our world, perhaps even usher in the next Great Awakening ("Great Awakenings" an article on wikipedia.org updated October 1, 2018) much like the Jesus Movement of the 70's and early 80's if we embraced love instead of sarcasm?  So many times sarcasm is used as a way to make someone laugh when in reality, there is someone else who is demeaned in the process. In its basis, this is cheap laughter making an attempt to replace everlasting joy.  This is not the Way.  What would happen if we started treating fellow believers like the loved ones that Jesus commands them to be to us? “I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.”  The Gospel of Jesus according to the disciple John, chapter 13, verses 34-35 CSB/The Message/KJV  
I am convinced that it is the negativity, sarcasm, and hatred that has been on display in the church over the last 20 years that has created a generation of atheists, agnostics, and those who believe in "nothing".  THIS MUST STOP NOW!  We must take the opportunity to LOVE each other in ways that show the world Whose we are.  We must change the way we act towards each other and go into our communities and display the love for fellow believers regardless of denominational affiliation or the fact they may go to a "competing" church.  We must go into our communities and love those who are the least like us!  Do you think that would give them something to talk about?
If believers began showing this kind of love for everyone as we are commanded, we would soon discover that we do not have enough evangelical churches in our communities!  Don't believe me?  Do this simple exercise.  Take the population of your town.  Now divide that by the number of churches in your town.  Are there churches that can realistically handle the folks who would come if everybody went to somebodies church?  Our churches should be known as having so much love that the attraction would be magnetic!  And we do this first by loving each other.  Let's give them something to talk about!!!
How about LOVE...  The next generation of Jesus Movement or Great Awakening is begging for us to be examples of love to each other.  They are awaiting those who claim the name to act like it and embrace them.  They are waiting for a little mystery to figure out and we have the answers.  
People are talkin', talkin' 'bout people...Why aren't they talkin' about us?  When is the last time we laughed just a little too loud or stood just a little too close, or maybe even embraced one another because we are overcome with Christian emotion for our brother or sister?  Now that we know it, how 'bout we show it... Let's give them something to talk about...How about LOVE...  
Rant over, you may now return to your regularly scheduled programming... or maybe you do something worthy of being talked about...how about LOVE?
'Til Tuesday

Serving HIM by serving You,randy

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