Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "All-Star" (Smash Mouth)

Welcome to Uno deMayo!!!  While it is not a party to commemorate a battle or emphasize cultural awareness, it is a day of celebration here at Tuesday's Musical Notes, for you see dear friend it is the first of May AND it's a Tuesday!  What better reason to celebrate than that?!!!  So welcome to the party compadre'!  

How do we choose to celebrate Uno deMayo? With a Musical Note reprint of course!!!.  That's right, only in email land has this Musical Note ever been opined!  So buckle your seatbelt riders of the blogosphere, we're comin' atcha with a little bit 'O Smash Mouth bloggin' from the olden days of yore...or March 6th, 2012 anyways...

Somebody once told me, boy, you really own me when you put your word down to be read.  So I started this blog and before I even knew it, all this stuff kept comin' outta my head...  Hey now! Ya know it's Tuesday!!!  We gotcha Notes here! Let's read!!!  Hey now! It's the best day! Somethin' New here!  Plant seeds!!!

Welcome to Tuesday's Musical Notes!!!  Where the music is likable and the thoughts are inspiring... At least that's the goal... Welcome as well to the Astro Lounge!!!  A place where you're an All-Star, get your game on....go play.   

It seems that each decade has its musical revolutions.   Respective decades have a style or styles of music that become popular and then fade.  The good styles aren't fads, because they stick around through the following era.   The 50's brought us the origins of Rock-n-Roll, the 60's brought us Psychedelic, the 70's, disco, the 80's, New Wave, the 90's......, well the 90's can best be summed up as an all-inclusive decade for music.  Every kind of music had its surge of popularity.  The 90's musical style was so inclusive that even big band came back for a time and teenagers discovered swing dancing again. Maybe you remember hearing about Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Cherry Poppin' Daddies, or Brian Stetzer (Stray Cats) and His Orchestra.

But there was a musical design in the '90s that was an offshoot of Punk music that became a hybrid of styles.  It brought Punk Rock, Rap, Swing and Pop Music together in a blend that would ride one of those short waves of popularity that dominated 90's music.    Welcome to Ska!!!
I admit I am no expert on Ska music, but its fans brought a groundswell of support for those who were doing it well.  Christian music featured a few ska bands during the late '80s and '90s.  Bands like Five Iron Frenzy and the O.C. Supertones stretched the stereotypical idea of what Christian bands looked and sounded like.  We even had a couple of bands in Searcy that considered themselves pseudoSka.....is that even a word?  

The biggest band to come from this genre and reach the charts and popular status was Smash Mouth.  Their first 3 albums all went either gold or multiplatinum including their massive hit Astro Lounge, which went to #4 on the Billboard Hot 100 albums list.  It featured the Smash hit, "All Star".  

Boosted by its appearance in the soundtracks for Mystery Men and Shrek, "All Star" became a hit by being a song that everyone in a family could enjoy.  "All-Star" would be Smash Mouth's highest charting single to date topping out at #4 on Billboard's Hot 100.  It benefitted by the strength of Smash Mouth's chart entering single "Walkin' on the Sun", as well as its fellow track from the movie Shrek,  "I'm a Believer" (Tuesday's Musical Notes - "I'm a Believer"

"All-Star" proved to be an anthem for those who felt left behind or looked down upon by society.  It was a shot in the arm for those whose self-confidence was lacking.  "All-Star took a cue from the premise behind the movie Mystery Men, who were by no means Avenger material.  This band of misfit wannabees took on the bad guys in the best way they knew how employing some out of the ordinary skills to win the day. Proving that if these guys can be successful, anyone be an overcomer.   

You don't have to look very far to see someone who may not have a very good opinion of themselves.  They may even suffer from mental illness on account of their low self-esteem.  Anorexia, Bulimia, and depression are worse case scenarios of the psychological impact of people who think their physical appearance isn't acceptable to others.  This is so counter to what the Bible has to say about us as individuals.  Jesus sacrificed things beyond our imagining to come to the earth and display what He thought our worth was.  The Bible tells us in Genesis that God created man in His own image. Genesis 1:26-31 New International version of the Bible/The Message paraphrase of the Bible/English Standard Version of the Bible parallel  So why do people have low self-esteem?  Maybe it's because they don't view themselves or others through God's eyes. Psalm 139 NIV/The Message/ESV

Christians are not immune from having a lack of confidence.  We see evidence in this by the fact that Paul reminded Timothy to not have a spirit of fear or timidity but to have a spirit of power, love and sound mind. 
Paul's 2nd letter to Timothy, chapter 1, verses 6-13 NIV/The Message/ESV    The letter to the Philippians expresses this same thought when in chapter 4 Paul tells the trials that he has overcome and because of his tenacity for the cause of Christ he felt that he could do all things through Christ who gave him strength. Paul's letter to the Philippian church, chapter 4, verses 4-13 NIV/The Message/ESV  

Because of the roadblocks and despite these encouragements many times we don't do the good works that we were created for because we are afraid.  Fear is from our enemy, not from God.  As Christians, the power of Holy Spirit is continually preparing us for those good works.  Paul's letter to the Ephesian church, chapter 2, verses 1-10  Our part is to step out in faith and as the Nike slogan says "JUST DO IT".  "You'll never know if you don't go...you'll never shine if you don't glow...my world's on fire how about yours, that's the way I like it and I never get bored...Hey now! You're an All-Star!!!"

'Til Tuesday,

Serving HIM by serving You,

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