Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday's Musical Notes - Theme from "The Munsters" (Jack Marshall)

Welcome to Tuesday!  Today is Halloween!  Time for masks, makeup, merriment, and munchies!!!  It is also time for the Halloween edition of Tuesday's Musical Notes!  Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

Today is a day unlike any other in most Western cultures.  It is celebrated in a variety of ways.  Some very bright and festive, others, well, let's face it, there can really be a lot of darkness in this world.  For the most part, Halloween represents a fun day for children to costumize themselves and get enough candy to last for the entire year!  (I think with the price of candy, however, homemade treats may become vogue again, very soon.)  So trick or treaters, be grateful! Even if all you get is a rock.  Many folks in the 60's paid good money for pet rocks...including the ones who lived at 1313 Mockingbird Lane...

Did you know The Munsters' Theme had words??!!!!

The television show The Munsters began on September 24, 1964.  Universal Studios produced The Munsters.    Universal had produced the classic monster movies of the 30's and 40's and owned the rights to the look of Frankenstein and other popular monster protagonists.  Thus lending to the authenticity of costuming for its principal characters and adding to the popularity of the show. The Munsters was produced by the creators of another classic tv series, Leave It To Beaver and quickly became a top 10 hit for CBS.   The 30-minute program mixed macabre with comedy and garnered the attention of children and adults alike.   Featuring previously paired actors Fred Gywnne and Al Lewis (Car 54, Where Are You?) and motion picture actress Yvonne DeCarlo (The Ten Commandments), The Munsters quickly went to syndication and has rarely been off of the airwaves since. It competed directly with ABC's The Addams Family and for the most part managed better Neilsen ratings than Gomez and his clan.   The Munsters ran for only two years and was canceled as its ratings ironically fell to another tv show featuring a bat, the technicolor Batman.

Part of the charm of The Munsters was their ability to look past the differences of other folks and function in society.  While people on their street weren't happy they were there, Herman, Lily, Granpa, Marilyn, and Eddy all were excited to visit with the people in their neighborhood and engage with folks who were very much unlike themselves.  Many comparisons to the family sitcoms of the day elevated the allure of The Munsters to families around the world.  It really was a family oriented, monster themed, comedy that worked beautifully based on the obvious good relationship that the cast members shared. 

Have you ever had THAT neighbor?  Perhaps they have a dog that won't start barking.  Maybe they have car parts strewn all over the front yard.  You know, the family you suspect are cooking meth in the backyard?  Perchance they happen to be an unmarried couple living together or homosexual.  Without even trying hard, it wouldn't take too long for you to find fault with the people who live down your street.  Or maybe, just maybe, you are THAT neighbor!

I am by no means suggesting that you should ever allow yourself to be taken advantage of, or harmed by your neighbor.  I do think at times, even those who claim Jesus as their Savior, are very quick to judge folks that are not like us.  Without even trying we find our comparables to be something with which we can take issue.  Many times this manifests itself into a superiority complex that at the very least is disingenuous, and at the most is off-putting and hateful.  We've touched base on the necessary attitude adjustments needed to overcome these preconceived notions before in  Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Try A Little Kindness"

For many years, church attendees in the Western hemisphere have not done a very good job of being great neighbors. I can testify to this as this indictment applies to me. 

For many years I worked in retail sales.  As such, we relocated quite often.  I personally have had the opportunity to have at the least 9 different sets of neighbors in the places we have moved.  This just accounts for those on either side of my home.  I hope that I have been a good neighbor. I sometimes wonder, however,  if I was a GREAT neighbor in the fact that either ostensibly or directly, I exemplified the Christ that I serve to these folks.  

Sometimes our neighbors are identified differently than what we may expect.  In The Gospel of Jesus according to Luke chapter 10 verses 25-37 The Message paraphrase of the Bible/ English Standard Version of the Bible/King James Version of the Bible parallel Jesus defines who is one's neighbor.  Take a moment and ponder how merciful you have been to those you encounter. Mercy can come in many forms, but sharing the Gospel of Jesus is the most merciful thing you could possibly do for anyone!

Your address is probably not 1313 Mockingbird Lane.  And chances are your neighbor doesn't have pale grey-green skin.  But there are other things that make you just ever so slightly nervous about them coming to your door this Halloween.  Show mercy by not judging by any other standard other than the standard Jesus' uses when He proclaims in The Gospel of Jesus according to the disciple Matthew chapter 22 verses 34-40 The Message/ESV/KJV for us to love our neighbors as ourselves...and maybe you should make them some cookies instead of purchasing candy this year...

Who knows, your neighbors may even look something like this:

'Til Tuesday,

Serving HIM by serving You,

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