Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "If You Could Read My Mind" (Gordon Lightfoot)

Welcome to Tuesday and Tuesday's Musical Notes!!!  This is where rediscovering favorite classic music and investigating passages from the Bible combine to help us find out a little bit more about ourselves.  This pathway of discovery is underscored by lyrics and melodies that are intended to revive and invigorate the brain and encourage the heart, all the while transforming the spirit.  Thanks for joining us today!!!  

Mr. Gordon Lightfoot provides the soundtrack to our journey today.  Let's drop the needle on the platter and get started, shall we?  It really doesn't take a mind reader to see where we are going...

Canadian Folk/Rock artist Gordon Lightfoot, who turns 80 next year, forged a path for melodic poetry through the decade of the 70s.  Like today's song, written about his 1st divorce, many of Lightfoot's story songs were penned through his personal experience.  Songwriters of the time and the "good" artists of today continue to pay homage to this hit maker who personified what it meant to be a folksy pop music star of the 70s.  

His most famous, best-selling songs and albums came about during the time period of 1970-1978.  Lightfoot's 8 full-length records during this time span, all made the US Billboard Hot 100 album chart, including the #1 Sundown from 1974.  Over half of these albums hit #1 in his native Canada where he had been a hitmaker since the late 60s.  

Gordon Lightfoot has a loyal following among fans, but also among songwriters and musicians.  Many of his band members have been touring with him for over 45 years.  He continues to tour but is not writing songs anymore.  In a 2016 interview with the Calgary Herald, He was been quoted as saying that songwriting was a very isolating thing for him and contributed to his inconsistency in relationships.  He has been married 3 times.  

In today's feature song, Lightfoot poses an interesting question.  What if we could read the minds of others?  Ramifications from this extra sense abound.  The eloquence of speaking would be lost.  The only sounds we would hear would be environmental noise.  But most importantly, we might very well find out things that we just don't want to know and others would find out things we don't want them to know.  

While there are those who claim to have the capability to read minds, (we here at the Notes are skeptical) most people, fortunately, do not have that ability.  But there is One who has knowledge of everything.  This is called omniscience and it is one of God's characteristics.  

Consider this:

These passages portray a God who knows everything there is about us.  Our past, present, and future are all a part of the things He knows about us.  He even knows the number of hair on our head! (he even keeps track of that number as the hair on our head either turns gray or turns loose...) He who created our minds doesn't have to read them.  He already knows what is in them!

If you have never heard the passages above, please consider the truth that they relay.  Ponder what it is they are saying to you specifically.  How do they resonate in your life? Remember, God knows and loves everything about you!  

God's omniscience could be a scary thought.  God knows even my deepest, darkest secrets?  He knows the things I have buried in the recesses of my mind?  He knows the things that I try so hard to forget?  Yes, He does.  He is waiting to help you with those things.  He is waiting to forgive you for those things.  He is waiting to save you from those things.  All you need do is turn away from doing those things, and turn to Him.  

Upon turning to Jesus as your Savior, God's omniscience becomes a source of comfort, even in uncomfortable times.  The confidence in knowing that God is in control of the seemingly uncontrollable issues of our lives provides peace, contentment, and even at times joy.  We know that, like Paul, we can do all things, even in hard times, through the strength that is in us, because of Holy Spirit's influence and interaction.  Philippians 4:10:14 CSB/The Message

So don't worry about the folks around you who proclaim to be able to read you like a book, or even see into your mind. Our concern or comfort should come from the One who doesn't have to read our mind, He created it and already knows what is there...and oh what tales my thoughts do tell...

'Til Tuesday

Serving HIM by serving you,

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