Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" (Crosby, Stills and Nash)

Tuesday's Musical Notes

Welcome to Tuesday!  Thank you for joining us for another edition of Tuesday's Musical Notes!!!  It's the blog that finds a song of the week and then explores its history and twists it just enough to bring about some truth from ancient times.  

At times we find ourselves on an archaeological dig through treasured tomes of classic music and prose.  As we continue to dig, we find that the prose sometimes has a "ring" to it that perhaps the writer never intended.   Intended or not, Tuesday's Musical Notes has taken on the mantle of discovering these nuggets of wisdom and parlaying it into our world for application.  Occasionally long of tooth, but never short of truth, it's Tuesday and its time for The Notes...

Once upon a time, in a muddy field in New York state, there was a concert.  This was not just ANY concert, this my dear friends was Woodstock.  For 3 days, musicians from all over the world would join with their hippie brothers and sisters and celebrate.  What was the cause for the celebration you might ask?  Peace.  Love.  Rock-N-Roll.  The counterculture movement kicked into high gear in 4/4 time when this festival was finally over.  Woodstock featured 32 bands over 3 days in August of 1969.  One of the groups featured were a band of minstrel poets and they sang to a damsel with blue eyes...

Many claim that Elvis is the King of Rock and Roll and for a time, he was.   But like many soveriegn lands before it, the monarchies of Rock have changed as often as the culture and the definition of popular music have changed.  Enter into this changing history, the kingdom of Woodstock, with its hippie subjects and their kings, Crosby, Stills, and Nash.  (Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Wasted on the Way")

Today's feature song was written for Judy Collins, whom Stephen Stills had been romantically involved.  They were however in the beginning stages of a breakup.  "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" was Stills swan song on the relationship.  Stephen Stills attended a concert of Judy Collins' and met her afterwards to play her the song.  She has commented favorably on the song by saying that it instilled the legacy of their time together. Discover for yourself what kind of legacy Collins is speaking towards.  "Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" lyrics presented by Bing

What in your life instills a legacy with other folks?  Do words like character, honor, and respect come into play when others think about you or maybe it's just the opposite.  It's getting to the point, that you're no fun anymore?  
When we speak of legacy, CS&N has a point.  I am yours, you are mine, you are what you are, and on occasion we make it hard to have a legacy that is fondly remembered by those around us.  Why is that?

There is a tension that exists in the world today.  The battle of good verses evil DOES exist outside of the Comic book kingdom.  If you are a student of the Bible, you well know that truth ultimately has the total victory.  That however, doesn't relieve the tension we feel now, while living our lives. 

The Bible details the life of One who is the only person that has ever lived that can be called pure good.  His name was Jesus. He first appears in the creation narrative:  Genesis 1 New King James Version of the Bible/The Message Paraphrase of the Bible parallel

Notice verse 26. God is about to create man, He uses the pronoun "Us".  (I am yours, you are mine...) Jesus and Holy Spirit, the other beings of Trinity are the "Us" to which God refers.  As God created man, we were given the propensity to be the pure goodness that God had intended. We were also give the freedom to choose.  Unfortunately, we chose poorly and we made it hard.

Because of our poor choice, Jesus, volunteered to be the only sacrifice that would relieve the tension between God and man. ( The Gospel of Jesus according to the Disciple John 3:16-17 NKJV/The MessageHe came as a man, the only truly good man, and gave His life to bridge the gap that defined the broken relationship between God and mankind.  He continues to bridge that gap today for those who are willing to take the steps necessary to cross.  (The Apostle Paul's Letter to the Roman Church 8:31-39 NKJV/The Message)

With this truth placed before you, what have you got to lose?

Can I tell it like it is?

p.s. - please never repeat the phrase from today's feature song..."Tuesday mornin', please be gone I'm tired of you..."  wow...just wow!

'Til Tuesday,

Serving HIM by serving you,

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