Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Freewill" (Rush)

Tuesday, Day, Weekday, Red Tuesday

Hey there!  It's Tuesday!! Even better, it's time for Tuesday's Musical Notes.  This is the place to find information about music, musicians, and ministry.  It is also the place where sometimes you can see how these three m's intersect, interact, and entertain. ( I know, I know, it doesn't start with an "i", but it sounds the same...)  Welcome, welcome, welcome to Tuesday's Musical Notes where you're ability to choose to read is totally up to you.  Yup, when it comes to Tuesday's Musical Notes...you have total...

Progressive Rock, or Prog Rock, was in its infancy in 1968 when 3 Canadian musicians came together to create one of Rock-N-Roll's most talented bands.  Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and John Rutsey would form Rush in Toronto, Canada.  You read that correctly, Neal Peart would not join the band until Rutsey left in 1974, two weeks before the band's first tour of the United States.  While Rutsey would perform all of the drum tracks for the 1974 album, Rush, he would not be able to tour because of his battle with diabetes and was let go by Lee and Lifeson.

It would be the first time in a real recording and touring band for Rutsey's replacement.  Neil Peart struggled to gain success as a drummer in Canada and found himself in England where things never became much better.  Upon his return to Canada, he sold tractor parts for his father until he was encouraged to audition for the Toronto based Rush.  The rest is musical history. 

The band has scored 24 Gold, 14 Platinum, and 3 Multi-Platinum records, placing them third behind The Beatles, and The Rolling Stones, for most consecutive Gold or Platinum studio records by a band.  They have been nominated for 7 Grammys, won several Juno Awards (Canada's version of the Grammys), were inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame in 1994 and in 2013 Lee, Lifeson, and Peart were inducted into the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame.  

As a band, they decided to abandon touring after completion of their 2015 commitments, yet most musicologists suggest that even though their last studio album was 2012's Clockwork Angels, Rush will continue to record and put out music.  48 years is probably enough time spend honing your craft, which they certainly have. Each band member is considered the absolute best on their individual instruments.  Yup, take some time fellas, you deserve the rest.  It is however, your choice, and if you choose not to decide,,,well, if you happen to be a fan of Rush...you know the rest.

Today's song is unique in many ways.  It represents a departure for Rush in that it is time friendly for radio.  Much of their previous work was long songs that wouldn't work within the time framework which radio require. 

The time signature is also very unique for "Freewill".  The time signature alternates between 6/4, 7/4, 6/4, 7/4, 6/4, 8/4 and repeats during the first verse.  It is also quite philosphical lyrically as many of Rush's songs are.  However, "Freewill" goes to the heart of the human condition.  Do we have choices in life or are we at the hands of a force that is directing everything to its will?  Their answer?  You choose.  "I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose freewill"

There are many thoughts and philosophies regarding how mankind came into his decision making capacity.  If you read Edith Hamilton's Mythology (a favorite in High School AP English classes) you see that man makes decisions based on the influences and sometimes on the demands of the gods. (Greek or Roman) You could go so far as to say that man has no decision making capacity in these world views as "fate" or "the fates" has complete control over the destiny of man.  At times going to the extreme by sacrificing human beings in an attempt to influence the particular deity who happened to be in charge at the time.  During the same time the mythology philosophy was dominating the world, a man walked on the earth saying that He was the Son of The God.  His teaching shattered the polytheistic world view that dominated the culture of the day and began shedding light on the darkness that was Zeus and Achilles.  

His name is Jesus.  His teaching did not involve any sacrifice other than His own.  His teaching was clear that mankind had a choice.  That choice was to believe He was who He said He was...or don't.  He never forced His way into anyone's life, and never changed anyone who did not first request to be changed.  He physically and spiritually healed the folks He came into contact.  

The foundation for this "freedom of choice" or "freewill" ideology is an Old Testament principle given to Israel from God, the Father:  Deuteronomy 30:11-20 The Message paraphrase of The Bible/New International Version of The Bible parallel  

In the New Testament Gospel of Luke, there is a conversation regarding the followers of John the Baptist and Jesus.  Luke describes the group that Jesus was addressing.  In His discourse, Jesus speaks about every class of people that are in the crowd making their choice. However, when He comes to the religious leaders (Pharisees and "experts in the law" v.30), Jesus proclaims that they have already made their choice.  They had already chosen to reject God's purpose for themselves.  THEY CHOSE...  (The Gospel Of Jesus according to Luke 7 NIV/The Message parallel).
So you see friend, we choose.  We choose every day.  Good/Evil...light/darkness...God/the world...Jesus/the enemy...
We are faced with these kinds of choices every day.  Just look at the news of the day.  It seems that evil is taking an advantage and gaining ground, BUT...the story doesn't end with the news of the day.  The story ends with each person having made a choice of their own volition.  

The members of the band Rush, at least at the writing of the lyric for "Freewill", had not made a choice for Jesus.  Perhaps you haven't either.  If you'd like to know more about what I'm talking about, you can start by reading the true story of Jesus found in the Bible.  His story is called The Gospel and it is recorded by four different men, who tell the same story from four perspectives of men who had made the same choice.  The object of their choosing is one similar to a choice made by an Old Testament leader of the nation of Israel, Joshua.  Joshua 24:15 NIV/The Message parallel

So there you have it.  The options are before you.  You get to decide because Creator God did not want robots of flesh.  He wants loving servants who choose Him.  And you get the option, because you have freewill...

"I Choose Jesus" title track from the 2012 album by Moriah Peters
'Til Tuesday,

Serving HIM by serving you,

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