Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Winter Wonderland" (Pentatonix with Tori Kelly/Perry Como with Ann Blyth)

Welcome to Tuesday!!!  It really doesn't look like this down south right now, in fact, we are having above-normal temperatures...sigh.  It really should be below 50 degrees in December!  Yes, I  know...I digress...
Welcome to the place where the tunes are as cool as the temperatures...well, now that doesn't really work out well either...   Anyway...It's Tuesday and any temperature is good for a heapin' helpin' of  Tuesday's Musical Notes!!!  Let's Dig In!!!

Here we go down a snowy lane with the hottest group on the charts today...the all-vocal band Pentatonix (with an assist from Tori Kelly):

and for you traditionalists, Mr. Perry Como...
Written in 1934 by Felix Bernard (music) and Richard D. Smith (lyricist), "Winter Wonderland" has become one of the most well-known seasonal songs airing on radio waves around the world during November and December. Smith was said to have written the lyric while in a sanitarium where he was being treated for tuberculosis.  His inspiration was the Honesdale, Pennsylvania Central Park during the winter.  Over 200 artists have covered it since its initial release on RCA by Richard Himber and his Ritz-Carlton Orchestra.  According to ASCAP, the most popular cover since the late 2000's is the 1987 version by the Eurythmics from the various artists, Special Olympics supporting, A Very Special Christmas.  Give it a listen here:  "Winter Wonderland" by the Eurythmics from A Very Special Christmas, 1987

Let's flashback to the '70s...remember this prediction?


By this point in time, we were supposed to be seeing glaciers forming in the Great Lakes, crops being unable to be grown for lack of warm weather, and a global pandemic of food shortages and cold weather.  Granted we were making mistakes with the environment in the 70's.  Remember this guy?  "Crying Indian" PSA  If you were in elementary school, this poignant PSA struck a nerve for saving the planet.  Much was done at that time to stop pollution in the United States due in part to conservationists and PSAs like this one that was aired in prime time.  Pollution in the United States has diminished steadily since legislation that began by the Environmental Protection Agency and other pollution-fighting measures.  Scientists at this time were predicting that the earth was in such a cooling period, enhanced by man-made air pollution, that the effects would be catastrophic by the turn of the century.  I haven't seen icebergs in the Great Lake region yet, have you?  Maybe we saved ourselves from permanently walking in a Winter Wonderland...or did we?

Fast forward to a few years after the turn of the century...


Perhaps we've done too good of a job, fixing our cooling problem.  Now we are faced with man-made warming of the planet!  Polar bears are looking for the icebergs that were supposed to be everywhere by this point. Penguins are seeking refugee status as the polar ice caps are all but melted away...sarcasm?  I think so...

Within a 40-year time frame, environmental science has gone the polar opposite direction (pun purely intended).  40 years ago we were in danger of freezing to death, and now we are on the verge of causing a thawing of the ice caps so bad that the water levels will rise so high Noah's ark couldn't save us...Good thing the Creation Museum (Creation Museum, Answers In Genesis) has one built just in case.  

Do scientists of renown exist on both sides of the argument?  Sure they do. ("Confirmation Bias: Why Both Sides Of The Global Warming Debate Are Nearly Always Right, Forbes, August 14, 2012, "Global Warming: Fact Or Fiction", Answers In Genesis) Just like musicologists argue about who was the better lead singer for Van Halen, David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar? ("David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar: Michael Anthony Mulls Over The Great Van Halen Debate", somethingelsereviews.com, August 11, 2014)  In light of what the Bible has to say, arguing about environmental changes seems rather silly.

In case you hadn't guessed, Tuesday's Musical Notes does not buy into the idea that a 0.2 increase in the mean temperature over the last 20 years is an indicator that we are all about to melt off the face of the earth or become a polar bear's desert.  A more reasonable explanation is that someone is very greedy and they saw an opportunity to make money, once again, by scaring folks into a frenzy about their SUVs causing grannies begonias to not live as long as they once did because it's too hot.  Couple that with millions of dollars in marketing efforts, a pitchman in the form of a former Vice President of the United States, and a world view that is for lack of a better descriptor, "worldly" It is easy to see how the idolatry of man-made climate change can have its grip on world leaders. ("Historic Deal To Curb Global Warming Deal Reached", Dallas Morning News, December 12, 2015, even though there is not a way of holding ANY country accountable to the agreement)  Is this a simplification of the argument, sure it is.  But there is a much better, less panic-inducing, way to look at the environment and man's responsibility to steward it.  Que flashback music...no even further...nope still not far enough...

From this point forward the argument really becomes about world view.  If your worldview is based on the Bible, you understand that man has a responsibility to steward the earth:  Genesis 1 NIV/The Message parallel.  With the temptation and subsequent sin of Adam and Eve, everything got thrown off kilter.  This is where man-made environmental damage began, with the sin of the first man and woman.  From that point until the worldwide flood, man has had to fight the physical earth to get food to grow.  Man had to fight the elements to survive through the seasonal changes.  Then the worst global environmental disaster known to mankind occurred, the Great Flood.  World Region Historical Flood Myths, wikipedia.org Since the time of the flood, mankind has struggled to subdue the elements.  So much so that one could feasibly see the struggle segueing into a religion.  At this point, the struggle, worship, or "protection" of and with the environment becomes an idol.  Referring to another controversial document, the Ten Commandments, Exodus 20 NIV/The Message parallel.  Exodus 20 makes it very clear that there is no other thing in our lives that is to be worshiped other than God.  And when it comes to the physical earth, God's got this...Psalm 29:3-10 NIV/The Message parallel, Psalm 68:9-10 NIV/The Message parallel, Jonah 1:4-6 NIV, The Message parallel, Mark 4:35-41 NIV/The Message parallel

None of the Scriptural evidence regarding God's control will make any difference if your worldview is not based on the Bible and God's plan for man's (and I think ultimately the earth's) redemption.  You see

God loves us very much...John 3:16 NIV/The Message parallel

God loves us despite that sin...Romans 5:8 NIV/The Message

Our sin separates us from having a relationship with God.  We get to choose which we would rather have, a relationship with the God who loves us and created us, or a relationship with the world that hates us and only wants our destruction...Romans 6:23 NIV/The Message parallel  WE GET TO CHOOSE

Jesus paid those sin wages by dying the most horrific death ever created by man so that we can have a relationship with God, His Father...2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV/The Message parallel

Jesus was buried in a sealed tomb but came back to life 3 days after his death on the cross.  He did this freely, with no strings attached, because He loves us that much!!!  We can accept this gift by believing that Jesus did all of this for us.  We must believe this with every sinew of our being and cede control of our lives to Him...Romans 10:9-10 NIV/The Message

If this is something you are prepared to do, the Bible says that Jesus will restore the broken relationship between you and God...Romans 10:13 NIV/The Message Paraphrase

Take just a minute and allow the truth of these passages from the Bible to sink in.  They are powerful enough to change your heart AND your worldview.  Who knows, one minute you may be breaking out in a sweat from a 0.2 mean degree change in the temperature, the next you're just...walkin' in a winter wonderland...

'Til Tuesday,

Serving HIM by serving you,

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