Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "All Together Now" (The Beatles)

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Welcome to November 24th, the Tuesday before Thanksgiving 2015!!! Glancing around the world, it is easy to see that we have many reasons to give thanks to God.  This Thursday we have an opportunity to celebrate events that occurred in our history unlike any nation in the world.  While explorers had been coming to North and South America for centuries, it was a unified band of Christian "separatists" who would be the ones to build settlements and townships that made a way for those seeking freedom, especially religious freedom, to have a place they could worship without persecution.  It is somewhat ironic that the "separatist" label would actually be describing a group of folks who wished to bind themselves together to worship God.  One might imagine that during that first Thanksgiving celebration they sang songs.  While it wasn't written until 1967, and it was written for an entirely different kind of sea faring vessel than the Mayflower, a Yellow Submarine, this song from The Beatles may perhaps embody the spirit of what they were feeling that first Thanksgiving...

Written on a "Magical Mystery Tour" for the soundtrack of a "Yellow Submarine", "All Together Now", would be released as part of the soundtrack album to the movie by The Beatles, Yellow Submarine in 1969, where it appears twice.  Initial exposure to the song is during one of the animated sequences of the movie and then as a live action tag at the end of  movie as shown in the above video.  By the way, your welcome for the ear worm! 

Recorded in the venerated Abbey Road studios, "All Together Now" would not appear in single form until 1972 and then only in France and Germany with "Hey Bulldog" as its b-side.  It has been covered by many artists, most notably The Muppets on their 1994 album Kermit Unpigged.

Paul McCartney, the only Beatle to perform the song live (May 4, 2013 during the 2013-2015 Out There! tour), has described the song as being a children's sing-a-long with the title inspired by the music house tradition of asking the audience to join in on the chorus.  It is reminiscent of the days when every home had a slightly out of tune piano and families would join slightly off pitch voices, to sing songs and enjoy one another's company in a family room where the piano was the focal point.  Unfortunately, it seems that the footprint where a piano used to sit has been taken over by the console on which sits a large screen television.  Gone are the conversations, the off pitch singing by a well intentioned auntie, and the bond that was developed by joining voices and hearts in music, regardless of genre.  We wonder why some of the closeness of families seems to be disappearing from the landscape of American homes.  

Another seemingly bygone family tradition is reading the Bible together.  Included among its pages is an entire book of songs that are similar to the sing-a-longs that McCartney describes as the basis for "All Together Now".  This song collective is known as The Psalms.  You can find it in the middle of most Bibles, or at the beginning of many New Testaments.  It is a book cherished for its insight, researched for its intuitive depth, and honored for its glorification of God as it details with rich, vibrant poetry the stories of those who struggled, overcame, and succeeded in the lives God had called them to live.  

A number of writers contributed to the Psalms. David, yes the one from the "David and Goliath" story, is one of the most prominent and well known of this group of poets dedicated to telling life stories.  Every emotion is contained in the Psalms.  Picture this...David is tending sheep when he spies you in the distance.  He immediately picks up an instrument and begins to play a melody that is familiar, but you can't quite get the words out.  Then all of a sudden David, looks you in the eye and sings, "O give thanks to the Lord for He is good, sing with me!  His love endures forever!"  As you begin to sing, the simplicity of the repetition eases you into the lyric.  The profundity of the statement causes your heart to soar. The immensity of His love floods over your soul.  You begin to pick up the tune and 26 verses later you are singing boisterously at the top of your lungs, "His love endures forever!". Psalm 136 - New International Version of the Bible  And then you find yourself shouting to everyone around you, but to no one in particular..."All Together Now!!!"

This is the impact that Scripture can have in your life.  It includes stories that relate to everyone, exactly where they are in their station of life.  It has poetry that can inspire and sooth the hearts of everyone exactly at the time of needed inspiration and comfort.  Most importantly it tells the story of redemption through a love that surpasses all imagination.  It is the Living Word of God!  However, it must be read to be enjoyed.  This too, alas, is a habit that seems to be passing with every approaching decade.  Here are some interesting statistics regarding the Bible in the United States:

This Thanksgiving, many will gather with family and friends to enjoy sumptuous feasts.  Afterward, they may gather in a room where once sat a musical instrument.  Before the traditional football rivalries begin, take a moment, read a favorite Psalm, or perhaps the story of Jesus from Luke (Luke 2 NIV/The Message paraphrase parallel). Then find an instrument or play air guitar, sing a song that maybe you haven't sung in a while.  Make it a boisterous, upbeat, calorie burning, sing-a-long that causes raised eyebrows from the Teen Set and warming hearts from The Greatest Generation.  At the peak of attention getting, let rip with an "ALL TOGETHER NOW!!!"...and imagine a smiling shepherd...

Perhaps it might even sound something like this...All Together Now!...Sing Praise!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

'Til Tuesday,
Serving HIM by serving you,

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