Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "You've Got A Friend" (James Taylor)


Good Day To You Friend,

In 2010, I was solicited for a submission to our church newsletter.  I was very excited about this opportunity as for many years, I have been curious about how one could take a variety of music and "redeem" them to be a testimony of sorts, or at the very least an encouragement to someone's day.  The digital age hit in full force and it was decided that it was no longer cost effective to produce a print newsletter.  The writing bug had bitten, so to speak, and I transitioned my articles into email to friends and family who could "opt out" at any time if they did not want to receive the email on a weekly basis. I made the decision to send these emails out on Tuesday because, at that time, most new release music and movies (two of my passions) became available on Tuesdays.  In the subject line for the email...Tuesday's Musical Notes - "song title here".

I am very grateful that after 5 years and over 8000 views (from all over the world, even once in Iran) I get to continue to pen musings about music mingled with ponderings on the profound.  It is our goal to encourage, enlighten, and educate anyone who wishes to take a few minutes each week and read what we pray is God honoring, Jesus revealing, and Holy Spirit led.  In the process even pick up a few new friends.  

Every Tuesday's Musical Note is archived and available, (with the exception of some of the early "email only" Notes), at tuesdaysmusicalnotes.blogspot.com.  Here you can even search by your favorite song title or just peruse through the archive listed on the far right of the blog.  If after reading today's blog, you wish to begin receiving Tuesday's Musical Notes in your "inbox", just email "I Want My TMN!"...(not quite the same feel as "I Want MY MTV" but it works in a pinch) to rawacr@gmail.com or you can visit the blog as often as you like at the above link...yes, please visit the blog often...

Welcome to Tuesday and Tuesday's Musical Notes!!!

Today's Notes is a Fall flashback to May of 2011 as we take a look back at a few of the "email only" Tuesday's Musical Notes.  The first Tuesday of each month is dedicated to these early writings because some of the songs were just such classics, that we hate to leave them in the emailosphere.  Yep, you just saw the creation of a new word right before your eyes...

Without further adieu, here is the revised Tuesday's Musical Notes - "You've Got A Friend"

       In many churches around Mother's day, you get the opportunity to see beautiful babies and their families given a commitment from their church that they will be prayed for, mentored, and loved on as the babies grow.  You see during this precious service, Grandmas take pictures and Grandpas stand a little taller with pride.  You also observe followers of Jesus, the church, dedicate their lives to being friends to these families.  This involves developing relationships with these families that are so strong that you feel as if you were a vital part of their family.   Most of us have "Aunts" or "Uncles" who are not related by our DNA, but their influence on our lives are as important and in some cases perhaps more important than those with whom we share a family tree.   That kind of relationship is what thousands of people around us crave.  If we want to see people delivered, lives transformed, and friendships flourish, we have to be willing to tell those that Jesus loves (which is everyone)..."You've got a friend"

     The song was recorded 3 times in 1971.  One version, by Dusty Springfield, was not released until 1999 because of a dispute with the record label.  Carole King recorded the song on her smash hit "Tapestry". But, it wasn't until later on in the year that a friend of hers recorded the song for his "Mud Slide Slim and the Blue Horizon" album. With his recording, James Taylor made this song about friendship a relationship anthem for an era . 

"You've Got A Friend" hit #1 on Billboard's Hot 100 and eventually won the Grammy that year for both James Taylor and Carole King.  Employing Joni Mitchell, another friend, to sing harmony on the track, James Taylor, who had already achieved critical success with his second album "Sweet Baby James" was set to become the poster boy for the 70's easy listening rock culture. 

     The One who created music also has many things to say about this relationship called friendship.  In John 15, He describes how friends behave and what they do for one another.  Gospel of John 15 Holman Christian Standard Bible/The Message Paraphrase parallel   In fact, in 3 consecutive verses (Gospel of John 15:13-15 HCSB), Jesus uses the word "friend".  He elevates the general discussion about relationships   to specifically define what friendship means.  13: A friend is one who loves.  One who loves enough to die for those that are considered friends.  I want a friend like that.  I want to be a friend like that.  14: Jesus friends are obedient.  Ooops!!!  There's the kicker.  Since the Garden of Eden, mankind has found it very difficult to satisfy this tenant of God's friendship.  I want to have friends who strive to be obedient to God.  I want to be a friend like that.  15:   Friends have no secrets.  Jesus told His disciples everything that He thought they could comprehend given their context.  He continually communicated with them through a variety of ways.  He provided a perfect example by which they could follow.  I want a friend like that.  I want to be a friend like that.  

The Gospels attest to the relationships that Jesus had.  Before he healed, he befriended.  Because He was the ultimate friend, He forgave. He told about love through the lens of friendship.   He was the example of that love when he asked God to forgive us from the sins that we commit. 
The Gospel Of Luke 23 HCSB/The Message parallel

What is the makeup of your circle of influence?  What is the context of the group of folks you consider friends?  How are your relationships with those you consider your "friends".  Do you have friends that exhibit characteristics similar to those Jesus described in John 15?  Are you a friend like that?  If the answers to these questions are unsettling for you, let me tell you a place where you can resolve your unease.  It's a place where everybody wants to know your name.  Nope, it isn't the bar called Cheers.  It is a church.  Specifically, it is a small group that is based out of a local church in your community.  Folks my age may remember it as Sunday School.  Relationships which are the foundations for friendships are strengthened as people get to know one another through a Sunday School Class or Social event coordinated by the leaders of the group.  Lifelong bonds are made as we link arms and volunteer to work in areas where our God given strengths can be used to encourage and help others.  Those bonds are strengthened even more when we are the recipient of encouragement and help by those who are strong in areas where we are weak. 

Friendly church folks invest themselves in other people.  They go into their culture and make new friends, who they can introduce to the One who will redefine friendship for them.  They worry more about the strength of their relationships and the eternal destinations of people than the weaknesses of those they call friends.  Can we say to people "you just call out my name and you know wherever I am, I'll come runnin'"?  There are those in a local Christ centered church just waiting to be able to say that to you.  Can I encourage you this week to get to know someone in your church that you don't know very well.  If you are not consistently attending a church, make the commitment to make new friends and go this week.  You might even come away from the experience sayin'...  "Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?"

"Friend Like That" from the 2007 album Hawk Nelson Is My Friend by Hawk Nelson

'Til Tuesday

Serving HIM by serving you,

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