Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Take Me Home, Country Roads" (John Denver)


Welcome to the best day of the week!!!  Why?  Because it is not Monday, it's the day before humpday, and it is the 3rd day of the week.  (3 is a very special number in Biblical numerology...think about it).  Welcome to Tuesday's Musical Notes where for the next few minutes you will read about a classic song and wonder just how in the world we may work it into some sort of uplifting, spirit filled, encouraging exposition that makes you ponder...remember pondering is a lost art.  So with out any adieu what so ever (to avoid plagiarism...yep, that's from the movie A Knight's Tale) here is the Tuesday, July 28th edition of Tuesday's Musical Notes...the last in our summer road series...take us home, Mr. Denver

"Take Me Home, Country Roads" - John Denver

If you are the resident of the states of West Virginia or Colorado, chances are that there is some familiarity with folk artist/musician Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr, better known by his stage name of John Denver.  Both of these states have adopted songs by John Denver as a part of their "state song" package. ("Rocky Mountain High" - Colorado, and "Take Me Home, Country Roads" - West Virginia)  Each song celebrates the beauty and majestic splendor of its respective state.  Colorado and West Virginia are popular vacation locations with their mountains and eclectic communities.  The resonance of each of these states with its John Denver song is obvious. Usually from the initial strains of an acoustic guitar, one has the song in their head and images of the visually stunning regions in which they may have visited or seen photographically.  Lyrically, both songs speak to an inner desire to be around the familiar...to be home.  

When returning from a vacation, there is a sense of anticipation as you get closer and closer to home.  This anticipation almost equals that of when you were preparing for your travels in the first place.  It seems that there truly is "no place like home".  Whether it is the comfort of our favorite easy chair, or the sense of safety and the normal routine, the impression of stability eases us back into the normal.  The newness of vacation experiences fade into the priority making of the "catch up" from being on vacation.  We have returned to our place. 

Recently, while on vacation, we attended a Sunday morning service at a church where a friend of mine leads worship.  We knew absolutely no one, other than my friend and a couple of friends in which my daughter had interacted with at a recent camp.  The pastor was in the midst of a series on Heaven, the eventual and eternal home for those who have been redeemed by Jesus Christ.   Throughout his message, I was more and more drawn to this place in which he spoke.  It seemed like...well, home.  (You can find the podcasts here:  First Baptist Church Russellville, Arkansas - Sermon Podcasts

As one who has been redeemed by Jesus, it seems fitting that I would want to be where He is.  He promises us

John 14:2 In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?

Ultimately, Heaven is going to be my home.  The world has many places in which we may find ourselves traveling.  While these places are attractive for a time, they can never replace the comfort and solitude of home.  Whether we are Colorado, Rocky Mountain High or Almost Heaven, West Virginia, the road for believers will eventually lead to a place called home...it's where I belong....where do you belong?  

'Til Tuesday,
Serving HIM by serving you,

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