Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Teacher, Teacher" (.38 Special)


Tina Edwards (long "i" vowel sound, remember your phonics!). 
Bertie Shimeck, Franklin Roetzel. Jerry Bradley.  Thomas Walker. 
Thurman Smith. Don Duggar. Mr. Edwards. Bettye McGlaughlin. 
Guerry Moorer.  Jerry Gatling.  H.L. Lubaker.  Tommy Wallace. 
Eldon Janzen. Chalon Ragsdale. Jim Robken. 

To many of you this is a list of names that you don't recognize.  But if you think long enough you can come up with a list that is very similar. This is not a comprehensive list...just the ones that I can remember(Age Appropriate Remembering Problems, ya know!).  Your list probably is different, even if you went to Bald Knob High School (Go Bulldogs!!!) or the University of Arkansas (Go Hogs!!!).  This is a list of some pretty  influential people in my life.  They were Elementary, Jr. High, Sr. High School and College teachers. I often times wonder if they realize the impact they have had on my life.  I also wonder if they recognized the responsibility they had in being in a position of influence. 

Welcome to Tuesday's Musical Notes!

In 1984, the movie Teachers  was released.  The movie is rated R and I cannot recommend it in its original version.  However, if you can catch an edited version on tv, there are some stand out performances by its actors, Nick Nolte, JoBeth Williams, Judd Hirsch, and Ralph Macchio.  My personal opinion is Richard Mulligan steals the show as an escaped mental institution patient who is accidentally thought to be a replacement teacher.  

Here is a montage from the movie courtesy of 38 Special with
 "Teacher, Teacher":

The soundtrack from Teachers featured some of the 80's hottest bands including 38 Special.  This was a band whose co founder, Donnie Van Zant, is considered  Southern Rock royalty.... .  His older brother Ronnie would form and lead Lyrnyrd Skynyrd until his death in a plane crash in 1974 (Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Simple Man").  His younger brother Johnny would front his own band until he took up the mantle of Lynyrd Skynyrd in 1991.

In 1985 with his band 38 Special, Donnie would hit #4 on the charts with a song co written by Jim Vallance and Bryan Adams, titled "Teacher, Teacher".  It was the perfect song for the movie as it asked the question..."what do we really learn from our teachers?" 

I think the answer to that question is a resounding MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE!  However, the things we learn may not always be found in the textbooks... 

It is an incredible thing that parents do when they start children in a school system.  They trust a person they do not know with not only the education of their child but that child's well being and development for 7-8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 9 months a year.   It would be easy for The Notes to be critical of this process, however, we want to point out the outstanding nature of those who are employed by our school districts.  Yes, there are some flies in the ointment and not every school is perfect, yet, there are many who are good Christian folks who accept their responsibilities with the ideology that God has gifted them to serve others by teaching and training these children in the way they should go.  Many of them model the example of Christ every day as they go about their time teaching reading, writing and arithmetic.....and Music!!!  

The Notes would like to be clear on one aspect.  We believe that the children God has blessed us with are ultimately the responsibility of BOTH parents to educate and train.  Teachers can be influential, but never more so than parents.  

All through the Gospels, Jesus is addressed as "Teacher".  To some this is a title of respect and authority.  Jesus disciples were taught, served, and disciplined by the One who created all the things in which they were learning.  He was considered a most excellent teacher as He spoke with authority.  In one example He set the standard of humility by washing His disciples feet.  In this "teachable moment", Jesus gave us the ultimate illustration of a true teacher....that of being a servant.  You can read the entire account here from the New American Standard Bible translation:

John 13 -NASB

  The teachers in the above list are ones who emulated an aspect of Jesus to me in my educational background.  While I don't know about the spiritual leanings of some of them, I do know that in their own unique and gifted way, they assisted my parents in enabling me to become the person I am today.  Some taught educational things, some taught social interactions, some taught discipline, but all of them taught me and my classmates something.
As this school year begins for most of us, let us be reminded that many of our teachers are attempting to be what God has called them to be in a place that can sometimes be very dark.  Education is a two way street and teaching is only as effective as those who have a desire to learn.  ALL of our school employees deserve our support, respect, and prayers as we enter this 2013-2014 school year.  Because each day they are faced with the question.....

"Teacher, teacher, can you teach me....can you tell me all I need to know...."

'Til Tuesday,

Serving HIM by serving you,

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