Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Why Can't We Be Friends?" (War)

Hi!.....Hello!!.....Ola!!!....Halito!!!!....Hey There!!!!!......it's Tuesday!!!!!!  Welcome to  another edition of... 

Tuesday's Musical Notes!   
THE ELECTION Edition... or Tuesday's Musical Note's Votes!
part 3 (imaginary fanfare here..)

Some say there is nothing on television tonight......The Notes thinks that's "debatable"......   Speaking of debates, there is one tonight between President Obama and Governor Romney that I am sure will be one more part of your overall research into who the best candidate for you may be. 
     Dateline:.....Tuesday.....Congressional approval rating low...very low...  According to the Real Clear Politics aggregate of polls, the congressional approval rating as of September 23 is 13.8.  The really sad part about that is this number is an increase from recent months.  Why is this important?  I'm not sure if it IS important, but it certainly is ironic.  Individual Representatives and Senators do not have such approval ratings, yet when you combine them together as a unit, they seemingly don't get the job done well enough to earn the approval of their constituents.  Why is this?  Many would say it is the polarizing views of each political party.  Here is a reminder of each party's platforms:

Democrat National Platform

Republican National Platform

     Clearly, there are some differences.  But do these differences of opinion account for the low approval rating or is it something simpler.  What does it take to get something done in the House of Representatives or the Senate?  I'm glad you asked, because Schoolhouse Rock has an answer, with one of it's highest rated shorts.....

Schoolhouse Rock I'm Just A Bill

     Can it really be that simple?  "Listen to all of those congressmen arguing....." .  It begs the question.....

Why Can't We Be Friends?

     Formed in 1969, the band War, really did not live up to its name.  As one of the most racially diverse bands of the period, War would set the standard for the combination of funk, jazz, soul, and pop with hits like "Lowrider", "The Cisco Kid", and "Summer" and its band members got along! Originally conceived by Eric Burdon, of The Animals fame, and record producer Jerry Goldstein, War continues to do concerts as recently as 2011.  Its biggest hits came from one album, a declaration of the band's mantra, Why Can't We Be Friends.  Featuring the title track and the aforementioned "Lowrider", Why Can't We Be Friends would launch War to Rock-N-Roll stardom and eventual consideration for the Rock-N-Roll Hall of Fame.

     Individuals in many of the bands featured in Tuesday's Musical Notes have relationships that at best would be considered complicated.  Just like the
status on Facebook, many artists have relationships with their fellow band mates that are difficult to explain .  Contractual obligations to each other and record labels cloud what were once considered close kinships.   The band War seems to be the exception.  Although there are now 2 bands that sing the music of War (War and Lowrider), litigation amongst band members seems minimal.  Maybe they are living up to their biggest hit.

     People of faith sometimes refer to their relationship with Jesus as that of a close friend.  The song "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" details numerous reasons for such feelings towards our Savior.  Many have used the book of Romans as a springboard to establish such a relationship with Jesus.  This "Roman Road" has been applied countless times as a framework for the transition of a person from the old life they had, with the new life they have.  Perhaps that is a road that you haven't been down. If not, please click on the following links: 

Romans 3:23
Romans 6:23
Romans 5:8

Please let me know if I can answer any questions about these passages with you.  It would be my extreme honor to do so.   I can be reached at rawacr@gmail.com.
     Our relationship with Jesus is multifaceted, similar, yet different to our relationships with others.  The Bible has many illustrations about how friends are to interact with one another.  One such passage is found in Romans:

Romans 12:10

Holman Christian Standard Bible
10 Show family affection to one another with brotherly love. Outdo one another in showing honor.

     The Notes would gladly introduce any Representative or Senator to this particular passage of Scripture.  "He who has ears, let him hear...", Hearing is one thing....understanding quite another. 

With a similar perspective on our relationships with friends, Paul has this to say to the church at Ephesus and to us today :

Ephesians 4:29-32
New International Version 
29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

     ...Building up others according to their needs so those who are listening may benefit.  Do you think some political action committees could use this advice?  or maybe a congress whose approval rating is 13.8?  or maybe us?  If we took Paul's recommendations from Romans and Ephesians maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't have to ask....."Why Can't We Be Friends".

Don't forget the debate tonight....

'Til Tuesday...

Loving HIM by loving you,


Have I asked you lately to recommend Tuesday's Musical Notes to a friend?  They can either get it directly in their email box by emailing a request to rawacr@gmail.com or they can go to the blog site tuesdaysmusicalnotes.blogspot.com.  Either way they get to Tuesday!!

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