Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday's Musical Notes - "Running On Empty" (Jackson Browne)

Welcome To Tuesday's Musical Notes!!!  The place where music and missional minds exist in concert to encourage, enlighten and invigorate readers.  A place where trivia about music and truths about life coexist in tandem to cause us to think, ponder and engage the world around us.  Or, maybe its just a fun way to kill a few minutes reading a blog about your favorite songs. Regardless of your reason, Welcome and thanks for tuning in.  (Don't forget to check out the archives...)
http://rayjortiz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/07/Red-arrow-pointing-right-1-this-way_New.jpeg  http://www.wggb.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/super-tuesday.jpg

There are many connotations of the word "run".  Grammatically, it can be used as a verb with an object (to run a half marathon), as a verb without an object (to run from danger), as a noun (I am going on a run), or as an adjective if the object is liquefied or melted (run butter).  The idea of running permeates music (Tuesday's Musical Notes - "I Ran (So Far Away", Springsteen's "Born To Run", Tom Petty's "Running Down A Dream", to name a couple of classics).  Today's feature song describes a feeling that perhaps we all have from time to time.  It describes the intense desire to take a break, get some rest, and reload the tank.  It can also be descriptive of one who is devoid of substance.  It spent 17 weeks on Billboards hot 100, peaking at #11 in 1978.  Here's Jackson Browne, with "Running On Empty".

  "Running On Empty" Jackson Browne from 1977's Running On Empty

We have a confession to make to you...we are fast becoming a Presidential election political junkie.  Not exactly sure how this happened...We vaguely remember wearing a campaign button for George McGovern in 1972, of course we were only in 2nd grade and we're not even sure how that particular button came into our posession...I think I traded it for a marble or something, but I digress.  Presidential elections have recently become a fascination.  The candidates, the strategies, the caucuses, the primaries, the debates...is anyone else's pulse racing now?...All of it combines with the ultimate result of determining who will be the leader of the most powerful, and best country in the world.  That is quite the tall order, and one that we're not sure Americans in general take seriously enough.  As a disclaimer, Tuesday's Musical Notes will not be endorsing any candidate or party above another.  We will however, present Biblical mandates regarding "hotbed" issues and leadership as the need arises.  

WE do realize that it is over a year away before ANY actual caucuses or primaries begin.  We also realize that your current temptation to press "delete" is almost more than you can bear.  But, please continue reading, as we hope to provide you with some insights into what is looking like a very confusing choice that we have ahead of us as Americans in 2016.  Without the right information, much of which you will have to discover and ponder for yourself, it could be very easy to vote for someone who is "running on empty".

According to a George Mason University article, (McDonald, Michael (March 25, 2013). "2012 General Election Turnout rates), in the 2012 Presidential election, 58.2% of Americans voted.  This means that over 130 million Americans did not vote.  That's a lot of folks.  As a percentage, it rivals the number of church members who are not consistent church attenders.  (check out last weeks notes for more...Tuesday's Musical Notes - "We Are The World").  

While much is being done by Democrats and Republicans to get out "their" vote.  Not as much is being done to educate the general populace about the candidates themselves.  With recent "stirrings" surrounding Jeb Bush, Mitt Romney, and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton regarding their candidacy in 2016, interest and much media time is already being devoted to their downsides.  According to some news outlets, as many as 25 potential candidates are investigating the prospects of a 2016 Presidential run in the Republican party and their are 3-5 potential candidates on the Democrat side.  This doesn't count a Libertarian, Green Party, or any other number of smaller political factions getting candidates on the ballot.  With all of the negative comments that are sure to begin happening, how are we to decide who is the best out of this cavalcade of politicians?  Let's go to the best resource book available...

Do you rulers indeed speak justly? Do you judge people with equity?  Psalm 58:1  NIV

When a country is rebellious, it has many rulers, but a ruler with discernment and knowledge maintains order.  Proverbs 28:2  NIV

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;  Phillipians 2:3 NASB

But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously- take God seriously.  Micah 6:8  The Message

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;
 Matthew 20:26  NASB

Good leaders abhor wrongdoing of all kind; sound leadership has a moral foundation.  Proverbs 16:12  The Message

When good people run things, everyone is glad, but when the ruler is bad, everyone groans.  Proverbs 29:2  The Message

There is much to be gained by doing research on what the Bible has to say about leaders and leadership. I would absolutely love to see a Presidential debate where the primary focus was on the faith of the candidates.  Unfortunately, due to a misinterpretation of a letter written by Thomas Jefferson, that will probably never happen. (read the actual letter here and decide for yourself:  Thomas Jefferson's "Church And State" letter to Danbury Baptists)

There are ways of discovering the spirituality of those who are seeking the highest office in the land.  If you read the biographies of, or books written by those considering a Presidential campaign, you soon see most all of them list a religion, or perhaps a denominational affiliation as an indicator of their faith.  This listing alone should not satisfy our investigative efforts, for if we apply normal church statistics, over 50% of these candidates will be non attending church members. 

More importantly than their denominational alliance, what do they personally believe about...the Bible?  God?  The Holy Spirit?  Satan?  Creation?  Sexual fornication?  abortion?  and most importantly...who do they think Jesus is?  What is their take on...the Virgin Birth?  the crucifixion?  The resurrection?  and the 2nd return of Jesus to earth?  What has their life stood for?  What have they done in or out of office to support the claims they make with regard to these questions.  What is the character of the people in which they surround themselves?  The answers to all of these questions are available via the internet, the candidates own words through books they have written, or as a matter of the public record. Our ability to become an "educated, believing" constituent is greatly enhanced if we have the wherewithal to find the answers to those questions as well as ones that are important to you. 

The Notes would never suggest that you have to believe the we way that we do.  In fact, we encourage you to find out what you truly believe on these topics through your own Biblical study and then chose the candidate whose beliefs are the most closely aligned with yours.  Do not allow Fox News, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC, Time, Newsweek, The Wall Street Journal, Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Larry King, Jon Stewart, or your political "affiliation" influence your decision.  Use the Bible as your benchmark, the Holy Spirit as your guide and then pray.  It is never to soon to start finding out all you can about the men and women who at the very least will mold the debate regarding the election of our next President.

According to 2010 census data, over 2 million people in the United States of America consider themselves evangelical.  Here's where they are located by state:
most least christian state

Imagine what would happen to Presidential politics if these folks began today praying for and investigating every person who is expressing interested in running for President.  Imagine the possibilities of conversations that begin as political dialogues and end up as prayerful declarations.  Imagine electing a President who is not..."running on empty".

"Run To The End Of The Highway" Keith Green from 1984's Jesus Commands Us To Go

'Til Tuesday
Serving HIM by serving you,

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